
Words of a perfumer

“The painter learns to see, the pianist learns to listen, I learned to smell. But it’s a question of the brain, not of the nose, and you learn it simply by experience. Everyone can smell everything I can smell, but they don’t know how to understand it, distinguish elements, or how to speak about it. That’s why I’m a perfumer.” He added, “I would say it took ten years to know, twenty to master.”

from: http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?050314fa_fact

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SubhanAllah. Our sense of smell is controlled by the brain, not the nose. It made me think, its like how our actions are controlled, not by our limbs but by our eman--something that is not even visible! So how can you seek it out to find out if you've got it? Eman that is... pay attention to your actions!